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The Official Student News Site of Orono High School

The Spartan Speaks

The Official Student News Site of Orono High School

The Spartan Speaks

The Official Student News Site of Orono High School

The Spartan Speaks

Griffin Noerenberg, Staff Reporter

Griffin Noerenberg is an employee at Lund’s in Wayzata and spends most of his time working. Griffin has been in journalism for two years and he thoroughly enjoys the class. Besides working, he is also a part of the Orono High School bowling team and is an alpine skier.

Outside of school, Griffin teaches confirmation at his church. Griffin is also actively involved in pep band.

Hard hitting news articles are what Griffin prefers to write. He said he likes writing them because he likes in know things. He assumes that people like to know things as well. He also like to know things before other people.

When Griffin is older, he wants to be a cop. He said that if he is a cop, he will know things before people, which makes him feel cool. “If I was a cop, I would get to know things before people.”

Besides wanting to be a cop, Griffin would love to pursue a job in the US military. He is passionate about what our soldiers do. “I am very passionate about the men and women who are serving our country, and the ones that did serve our country but lost their lives.”

Griffin took journalism I as a sophomore, and then he took journalism II as a junior. He enjoyed the creative style of writing news articles, which helped him decide to take journalism II. He said that journalism II interested him.

Besides writing hard hitting news articles, Griffin likes to write reviews, being a movie lover.

An article that Griffin is proud of is “Senior study their way to college.” It touches on senior study habits and how they have changed. It also mentions their plans for college.

Griffin considers the people he works with like his family due to the tight bond they have formed in the time that he has worked at Lund’s.

A strange thing that Griffin does is when he has more than one type of bill in his wallet, it has to be in order by federal reserve number, from lowest to highest. If he has more than one with the same federal reserve number, he then organizes it by years. He wants to spend the older bill first.

Something that Griffin loves to eat is cold Spaghetti-o’s out of a can. If he is not able to get his Spaghetti-o’s, he  also enjoys eating burgers.

If he had to have dinner with someone dead or alive, he said he would invite Ronald Reagan.

All content by Griffin Noerenberg