Fans in the Stands

Mikayla Burns

Fans do the roller coaster cheer during a game.

Billy McGannon, Sports Editor

The Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) has released information regarding fans’ attendance at high school football games. The number of fans allowed is 250, and that number is divided by the two teams. Each team will be given 125 tickets to give to fans, and masks will be required to get into the stadium.

“It’s great that fans are going to be allowed into the stadium. They need to remember to wear their masks at all times throughout the game. Fans also need to socially distance themselves so that we can keep everyone safe and so that we can keep having fans at the games,” athletic director Bucky Mieras said.

The family of each football player playing in that game will have the option to buy tickets. Senior families will have the option to get three tickets, while junior and sophomore families will have the option to buy two tickets. The cost will be $7.00 per ticket, and any unused tickets will be added to the ticket lottery.

Students will be able to put their names into a lottery at school, for a chance to get a ticket for the game that week. There will be approximately 20 tickets in the lottery and possibly more based on the number of tickets that the football families will purchase. The lottery system is set up so that tickets will go to senior students first, and any leftover tickets will be sold to juniors, and then to sophomore and freshman students.