Schoology: five things to know
Kristin Pearson
Visuals Editor
The Orono School District has implemented Schoology as their new online educational platform for the 2018-19 school year. Students and teachers are parting ways with various other resources such as Google Classroom and Moodle. During this transition, some users may find themselves a bit lost. Here are a few tips for navigating the new program:
1. Original Google documents can be submitted for assignments
Google documents can be submitted in one of two ways. For the first one, the student can click on “submit assignment,” select “resources,” then “apps,” then “Google Drive Resource App.” Once the document has been selected, the student should then click “Import” and then “Import File.” From there, it can be uploaded like any other assignment. If the site demands that the student use a document created by the teacher or the site, then the student can simply link their original document. The user should go to their original document, click on “share,” select “Get shareable link,” copy the link and paste it into the document in which they are submitting as the assignment.
2. Messages can be sent directly to teachers and other students
Sending a message on Schoology is quite easy and efficient. Schoology users do not have to leave the site to send an email in order to contact other teachers or students. The user should select the envelope button at the top of the screen to view messages. In order to send a message, users should click on the envelope, select “New Message,” enter their recipient, subject, and message, and send it off.
3. All course assignments are compiled into one calendar
Instead of going to every course individually to find their assignments, students can just click on the calendar icon at the top of the screen. All assignments from all the student’s courses can be found compiled into this one calendar. This is also incredibly handy for students who miss a day of school and need to view the assignments that may no longer be on a teacher’s page.
4. Assignment grades can be viewed on the site
Instead of leaving Schoology to log into StudentVue, all grades from online assignments can be viewed directly on the website in two different places. Students can select the “Grades” option at the top of the screen to view a comprehensive list of their online assignment scores. They can also go to the assignment itself and find the grade specific to that assignment attached to the document. Note: Not all teachers are currently using this feature, so to find official grades, students should still visit StudentVue.
5. Assignments cannot be unsubmitted
After the due date, assignments cannot be unsubmitted. At this point, the student will only have capability to view the document. This may be difficult when submitting rough drafts, because students can no longer make revisions on that document.
These are just a few tips to help students through the transitional process. Students should go to their teachers with any other questions they have, or visit the “support” tab at the bottom of the page.