We are Silent

A flyer raising awareness of childhood poverty made by We Are Silent members.

Madi Arends, Editor in Chief - Print

Youth in Action members are participating in a day of silence to raise awareness for childhood poverty and hunger.

Lucy Soderstrom, Chase Olsen, Haley Sawatzke, Maggie Brick, Megan Anderson, Nadine Schwanke and Ellis Ostvig along with any other students who wish to participate will be spending the entire school day of  Thursday April 17 in silence.

“Any one can get a pledge card if they want to join in on the cause,” sophomore Lucy Soderstrom said.  “It’s not something we want people to think as a way to get out of class but being silent for a good reason.”

This event is put on through Free the Children,who is an organization that ran We Day earlier this year, nationwide.