Seniors Noah Schultz and Hailey Hickey were awarded the Hobey Baker Award. According the Hobey Baker Award website the award goes to a senior hockey player would displays character, commitment, teamwork, persistence, selflessness, academic excellence and sportsmanship and has the philosophy “The Team before me.”
“Well to be honest I knew before hand because it was in the state hand book but I was so surprised it didn’t even cross my mind that I would get it.” said Schultz. Schultz and Hickey were nominated for the award by their varsity coaches.
I was pretty surprised when I won. I didn’t really know much about the reward at the time, so I couldn’t fully appreciate the honor I was receiving. but I was still really happy” said Hickey
The coaches nominate a player they feel deserves the award by displaying the qualities listed above. Schultz and Hickey joins an exclusive list of the state winners and become the newest members of the award winners from Orono. That list includes, Jimmy Lee (’11), Ted Ylitalo (’10), Mackenzie Skatter (’10), Chris Hanson (’09),Shea Noerenberg (’09) and many more dating back to 2004 according to the Hobey Baker Award website.
“It’s a honor. I think that I feel more honored about the fact that a lot of people have congratulated me and tell me it’s a big accomplishment you know?” said Schultz, ” I didn’t really think it was that big of a deal until everyone started congratulating me.”
Hickey felt the say way, ” I feel quite honored to have received the Hobey Baker Award. I feel like it will really make me stand apart from everyone on college scholarships. It’s nice having awards out there for more than just academic or athletic achievements.”
Next time you see Schultz and Hickey, congratulate him and let him know that Orono is proud.
Pete Makarov is the Sports Editor for The Spartan Speaks.