Miller Williams looks towards the referee to understand the penalty that was called. (Nicolas Pasulka)Rory Kvern prepares for the puck drop. (Nicolas Pasulka)Miller Williams prepares for a face off. (Nicolas Pasulka)Ryan De Lange (#38) and Ethan Pagel (#28) prepare to sub in. (Nicolas Pasulka)Cruz Fey looks towards his teammate. (Nicolas Pasulka)Brenner Kanive skates towards the puck. (Nicolas Pasulka)Trey Landa ducks under his opponent’s stick in a battle for the puck.Luca DeCubellis keeps a keen eye on the puck. (Nicolas Pasulka)Trey Landa stands guard for defense. (Nicolas Pasulka)Jackson Knight straps his helmet before the game. (Nicolas Pasulka)
To view the rest of the photos from the boys hockey state semifinals, click here.
Hello, I’m Nic Pasulka, I am a sports photographer for Spartan Speaks. I’m a junior here at OHS who moved from Los Alamos, New Mexico. I’m passionate about photography, Nuclear science, and politics. In my free time, I enjoy working out. training for sports, and playing with my cats.