Orono Homecoming in the Time of COVID, FOCO

In any normal year, this past week would have been Homecoming week. But this year is far from normal so the school had to change things around. Instead of HOCO, it was FOCO (fake Homecoming). What would this year have looked like? Normally there would be things like spartan hour events such as the variety show, class competition, Homecoming football game on Friday night, and a dance. Luckily the school was still able to do some of these things, just as long as Covid guidelines were followed like wearing a face mask and social distancing.

The week went like this: Monday was Minnesota day, Tuesday was white t-shirt and blue jeans day, Wednesday and Thursday were the days to wear a class color for the class competition, and there was no school on Friday due to a teacher workshop day. It is very common for students around the country to do dress-up days and other activities during their Homecoming week. According to The American Football Database, Homecoming usually consists of a football game, activities for alumni and students, a parade with the students marching band, a coronation for the Homecoming court, and a dance that follows.

What I miss from last year or a normal Homecoming week was planning the Homecoming parade with senate. This year I probably would have been on a float with cross country,” senior and senate member Vasili Nicklow said.

To compare Minnesota to other states and their Homecoming traditions, although many of the traditions stay the same, Texas has a particularly interesting one. In Texas, the girls would wear a Homecoming “mum”. A “mum” is short for chrysanthemums which is the unofficial flower of high school Homecoming events in Texas. The story behind the mum is that they were given to a girl by her Homecoming date as a little gift in honor of the football game. Nowadays girls go above and beyond with their mums, according to Country Living, mums today can weigh more than 20 pounds and are meant to cover the whole torso. You will often see very flashy mums have feathers, flowers, ribbons, glitter, noisemakers, and even lights to light them up!

“As a freshman, I didn’t know much about what was going on last week. I didn’t even know what my class color was. I think the freshmen are more hesitant to participate this year over a normal year,” freshman Elizabeth McCaherty said.

Although this year’s Homecoming might have felt off, the spirit and love for our school still stands. Everything is being done to make this year fun and safe by following Covid guidelines that are given to the school, it is our job as students to make the best out of this year and what we are given. If you are interested in watching the class competition, go to the Orono Student Body Instagram page @oronostudentbody and the link to the youtube video is in the bio.
