Respect: Important for All Ages

Allison Stern

A poster depicting students holding up letters spelling respect.

The definition of respect, as defined by Merriam Webster, is a feeling/understanding that someone or something is important and should be treated in an appropriate way. Respect at Orono has been an issue that teachers have tried to address, but it has recently become a problem both at the high school and in the lower grade levels at Orono.

Respect is important because it creates an environment that students feel safe and able to learn in. Having a positive environment at school can lead to students having greater success in both the academic and social elements of education. Being taught respect at a young age helps them to keep the same state of mind as they get older and have to respect authority figures as adults.

Teachers are a huge part of why Orono as a whole is so successful as an education establishment. Both Dave Benson and Caryn Boyd work very hard to provide a safe and healthy learning environment for students. Seeing people leave food wrappers and trays at the lunch table for them to clean up is a form of disrespect that has been seen at our school recently. They are not here to clean up after the students and they should be given more respect than to let this happen.

“I do notice it [Mr. Benson cleaning up garbage]. I also notice kids throwing the trash and food on the floor. It is not Mr. Benson’s job to wait around and pick up after students. It is so simple to walk your trash and food over to the trash bins,” senior Claire Hrusovsky said.

Having respect for one’s peers will improve not only your social experience, but theirs as well. Many times students are judged by others for what they wear, how they act, or what they look like and this does not provide a good environment for learning and social activities. Every student should feel safe while attending school.

“I think that though there are moments where our integrity is questionable, we mainly do a great job of respecting one another. I think it’s really shown through programs like Unified,” senior Paige Condon said.

After this recent election there have been many posts on social media that go against some people’s beliefs. Everyone is entitled to their own beliefs and others should not judge them based on differing viewpoints. Using social media to express one’s beliefs is an excellent way to get your idea across, but bashing other people’s views is not. If one feels differently about an idea or picture on social media the best response is to just keep scrolling.

Respect is a large part of what makes for a successful environment for students at school. From respect for one’s teachers to that of their peers, respect will ultimately make for a better experience both in school and in life.