Are You Shampooing Too Much?

Healthy hair is a hop, skip and a shampoo rebellion away. People across the nation are questioning the need for shampoo every time they shower. They’re also experiencing an epiphany, that natural oils produced by their hair can actually make it healthier!

According to “Natural Ways to Boost Skin and Hair Care”, by Ella Langer, there are numerous homemade alternatives to obtain healthy hair like avocado and olive oil conditioners, banana and egg hair masks and coconut oil treatments. Another alternative to have healthy hair is thinking about how much you should really be shampooing your hair. Unless you are regularly exercising and tend to have an oily scalp, it’s more beneficial to shampoo your hair fewer times a week.

“Hair produces natural oil called sebum, and shampoo is an emulsifier that captures and traps excess oil, dirt, and product residue, which you then rinse out to clean the hair,” Angela Lamb said, an assistant professor of dermatology at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York City. Now, for those of you that don’t know (like me) an emulsifier is a stabilizer. These natural oils have positive effects on hair, they act as a protective barrier and they’re very moisturizing.

If you’re like me and many other students here at Orono High School, you color your hair, which isn’t too bad in moderation (which is why use shampoo and conditioner for colored hair is an essential). One should also consider their hair like their favorite sweater, if  the color is stripped away and it fades fast. The natural oils are stripped away too which damages your hair in the long run.

“I’m aware of the no shampoo movement, I think it’s awesome” Hopkins high school student Anna Quealy said, “I don’t use shampoo when I shower or wash my hair mainly because it really dries [out] your skull.” People across the nation are rethinking their routine in the shower, leaving out one thing…shampoo.

From the day you were born, shampoo was a basic part of your routine most days; growing accustomed to the quick fix for greasy hair, but the no shampoo movement becomes hard because after using it for so long waiting to shampoo makes your hair exceedingly greasy. But the question is, is it worth it?

“I shower almost everyday and I shampoo like every other day,” Orono student Kasey Reese said, “My hair doesn’t get super greasy so I don’t have to wash it everyday but it gets greasy enough where I have to wash it about every other day.”

Based on the research found and the questions that were answered, it seems legit to ditch your shampoo. Give your hair a rest and let the oils revitalize and moisturize your hair. People have been there, done that and wrote about it saying how it had positive outcome for them. So, maybe you give it a try and share your end results.