Seniors: Second Semester Grades More Important Than You Thought
Senior year, second semester. To many, those words are synonymous with an early summer break. No stress, no need to worry about grades because by then, people are accepted into college. This is when many seniors begin their infamous senior slide.
It starts with one late homework assignment, and soon you have more missing assignments than completed ones. But it’s okay, I’m already in college, so I’m good, right? Wrong.
Although some colleges only check mid-year reports, many others follow your academic record up until graduation day. They do this for a variety of reasons.
“A reason schools will look at second semester grades is for scholarship money,” OHS guidance counselor Jamie Menne said, “they can take money away if performance is poor, but they could also award money for the opposite.”
Losing out on scholarship money because of senior slide is not ideal, but there is a worse scenario.
“It is rare, but schools can rescind admission,” Menne said.
Now, losing scholarship money is bad enough, but having your admission taken back after or during your second semester would be the worst. You would be past all deadlines, out of options, and pretty upset. As stated, this is rare, but it does happen and it can happen.
Now, generally speaking, the more selective schools pay the closest attention, but all schools can and may look at full year reports, and in rare cases, students may start college already on academic probation. This can be due to poor performance in school or on certain AP tests.
Another reason to take your last semester seriously is that it is your last chance to practice and ingrain your study habits before college. Once you leave good old OHS, it is a whole new ball game.
In college, professors are not checking your homework everyday, they expect that you have done it. No parents are there to remind you to study, you are accountable to do your work, and if you don’t, your grade will suffer. Take second semester as a practice run in holding yourself accountable, and you will thank yourself come next fall.
I, being a senior, understand why there is all the hype around our last semester. I’m into college. I have no worries anymore, I just want to enjoy my last year of high school with my friends. At the same time, after graduation, we have to face the future.
I want to be able to have an amazing senior year, but still prepare myself for college. I think that is the wisest way to approach second semester. No need to work yourself around the clock, but do not let your grades free fall.