New Principal in O-Town

New OIS Principal Ms. Jodl-Ernhart

New OIS Principal Ms. Jodl-Ernhart

Brianna Shaw, Student Life Editor

There’s a new principal here in Orono and she’s ready to get the job done.

Mary Jodl-Ernhart will join the Orono school district this July. Jodl-Ernhart was one of four finalists to fill the position of the new OIS principal.

OIS’s current principal, Dr. Scott Alger, was promoted to Orono’s new Director of Human resources, therefore he conducted the process of his replacement with the help of a committee.

“The interview committee consisted of a School Board Member, the Superintendent, and five other teachers and administrators,” OIS principal Dr. Scott Alger said.

The committee included: Superintendent Dr. Karen Orcutt, OIS fourth grade teacher Diane Bacon, School Board director Sarah Borchers, director of Special Services Kristi Flesher, Schumann Elementary principal Adam Laparske, OIS third grade teacher Lindsey Nelson and Literacy Specialist Beth Pearson.

Jodl-Ernhart went through two rounds of interviews, then they unanimously voted for her as the new OIS principal.

According to Orono’s superintendent Dr. Karen Orcutt, “Our committee made an excellent team, and did an outstanding job of interviewing candidates.”

The committee identified at least 28 different characteristics they thought were important. From empathetic to inspiring, Jodl-Ernhart was the best fit for this role.

Jodl-Ernhart began her career in education at Eden Prairie High School as a social studies teacher, and as of now, she holds the position of associate principal there. She held a similar position at Maple Grove Senior High prior to that also.

Dr. Orcutt said, “Committee members were particularly impressed by her leadership skills and the breadth of her experience.”

According to Dr. Karen Orcutt, Jodl-Ernhart earned her master’s degree in curriculum and instruction and her bachelor’s degree in history/social studies at the University of St. Thomas (UST).

On the UST website it states that, “Specialists in curriculum and instruction create change through their in-depth understanding of the design, development, implementation and evaluation of educational curriculum. Combined with an understanding of instructional strategies and the interpersonal and behavioral issues in a classroom, education professionals who are skilled in curriculum and instruction are prepared to be leaders in the field.”

She holds a specialist degree in educational administration and was the coach/program supervisor in the district’s Quality and Compensation Program as well.

“Ms. Jodl-Ernhart has a remarkable capacity in the important leadership qualities that the committee was looking for.  She is going to have a very positive impact on students and she is going to communicate with parents on a high level about their kids’ performance,” Dr. Alger said.