Researching help for the Orono student
February 10, 2015
Sometimes researching is more challenging of a task than it needs to be. Research, a word that strikes fear into students hearts. Although, probably one of the easiest parts of any project or paper, if one looks in the right place.
A common thought of a place to start researching is Google. However, in an internet search, such as Google, use a phrase typed into a basic search, the algorithms used see each individual word as its own. The algorithm tries to find the best match to all the words. They are supposed to be found right next to each other.
The next thing that the search looks for is the all the words in the same article or text, but not necessarily put together. After that each word may not even be included in the article.
So if a student were to type in a really broad phrase, the search engine will most likely not find the first thing it is looking for. The further down the steps the search goes usually means less applicable and often less reliable.
If the first step in the researching process begins with using a database it would probably be fast and have better outcomes. This is because databases like Ebsco host, Gale Discovering Collection, Gale Infotrac Student Edition, Gale Student Research center, Britannica, ProQuest and, Points of view all have topic links in them. Also these are easily accessible to Orono high school students because they are located on the high school Media center page.
From the topic links it is easier to find more narrowed down research due to the fact that instead of starting with no filters, the subject is already been determined. Many of the databases have search engines that would search terms just within that page.
If the paper or project is more of an overview or shorter the researching part could be done. If it needs to be more in depth a list of search terms could be used.
Another benefit of using a database is that most often they will have a “cite now” link. Meaning works cited is done for the person. A common thought is that using a site like easybib or bibme is a good place to get a bibliography. However, the source information is not the same as what would be found in the database.
This is due to the fact that many times information will be mistyped changing the bibliography to something other. Sometimes an article may have been written by someone working for the database. So the name may not pop up on the article. But the database will know and it will cite that in its version of cite now.
Research should never be a daunting task. There is always information if one just looks in the right place. Knowing how to start is crucial for the researching road ahead.