New Year, New You
January 25, 2015
Now that it’s 2015, the tradition of having a New Year’s resolution has took it’s toll across the world. Some of the more popular resolutions include the following: losing weight, managing stress, getting organized, saving money, volunteering in the community, and many others. Although these are great ideas and they sound quite promising, people do not follow through with them. In fact, about 45 percent make a resolution, but only eight percent are actually successful. Although these numbers discourage those who create a New Year’s resolution, the people who actually make one are ten times more likely to follow through with it than the people who don’t make a resolution at all. With that being said, here a a few tips on how to have a successful new year’s resolution:
- Making Attainable Resolutions: Creating a resolution that’s unattainable is almost as bad as not making a resolution at all. Being able to keep up with them each day is the greater reward. For example, someone who decided to lose weight by completing various exercises wouldn’t want to begin by doing hardcore ab workouts. Starting out by doing a few squats or even going for a short run would be more realistic. Starting out with smaller goals then gradually making them tougher is a lot more practical.
- Planning Ahead: Before the day starts, creating a schedule of how to fulfill a resolution can be helpful. Whether it be making a mental note, or physically writing it down in a planner, outlining the day can act as a guide to a successful resolution.
- Ask People for Support: According to the American Psychological Association, “accepting help from those who care about you and will listen strengthens your resilience and ability to manage stress caused by your resolution”. Friends and family can give aid especially when times get tough. Changing something is always going to be challenge, so asking for support is always a good idea to get through the struggle.
New Year’s resolutions are a way to change for the better. “It is a time for people to reflect on their past year’s behavior and promise to make positive lifestyle changes,” said the American Psychological Association. Overall, thinking positive and doing a few of these steps can create success in completing a New Year’s resolution.