This holiday break, many students and teachers of OHS were granted with a two week – 16 day rather – break from school. For as long as I have been attending Orono we have never had such a long and extensive break. Personally, I think this is one of the greatest decisions made by our district, as do many of the students and teachers.
With the rush of shopping, wrapping present, cooking, being with family, Christmas break usually goes by too fast. The days anticipating Christmas fly by and then its all over.
Normally we would have to return to school almost right away, however, it was more than a relieving feeling waking up on Dec. 26 thinking, “I have 11 more days left.” Some say that this break was too long and maybe sometimes boring, not me.
Being with family and eating, eating and more eating takes a toll on your body and the last thing you want to do after opening presents, eating a huge meal or sleeping in everyday, is go back to school. The 11 days after break was what you can call a ‘catching up period’.
Personally, I used the rest of break to catch up on sleep, my favorite TV show, reading, homework, being with my family and just relaxing. When our body goes through so much emotion with the excitement of the holidays and then a crash when it is all over, we need time to recuperate and swing back into the norm of our life.
After having the 16-day holiday break, I think all breaks should be longer from now on. Teachers expect students to anticipate vacation and when its all so shorty over, to return to their normal lives as students, when we really didn’t get that much time to do what we’re supposed to do – relax.
Allie Hirschberg is the Business Manager for The Spartan Speaks.