The Orono High School Theater presents Anastasia, a musical interpretation of the 1997 animated film, which was loosely based on the event that occurred in 20th-century Russia. The story introduces Anya, a young lady with amnesia who tries to trace her identity. The Romanov family had a curse put on them by an evil wizard named Rasputin after this spell Anastasia Romanov mysteriously disappears and a reward is posted if she is found. Two Russians scheme to get the reward so they convince Anya that she is Anastasia Romanov because she resembles her. The Russian brings Anya to Paris knowing she is not the real Anastasia.
Ms. Balon, the director, announced Anastasia as the fall musical for this year and is the theater director of this play. She was thrilled to bring Anastasia to the OHS theater, believing that its themes and enchanting story would engage and entertain the cast and the audience.
“This is a familiar and non-traditional story that has classic themes and values of independence; the music and choreography are both good and make this a fun play to perform,” said Ms. Balon.
The themes and values of this play resonate with people of all ages, deepening the connection between the audience and Anya’s story. Along with good choreography and musical numbers, this play will be great for the OHS Theater to perform.
To spark interest, students of all grades—from kindergartners to seniors—were shown teasers for the musical during school on Wednesday, November 13th.
“I really enjoyed the teasers,” sophomore Ethan Weiss said, “I wasn’t originally going to go see Anastasia, but after watching the great acting and singing, I likely will.”
The costumes and stage design make you feel as though you are really in 1920s Russia. The cast’s enthusiasm makes the play come to life and an enjoyable story for all viewers.
Anastasia opens on Friday, Nov. 15, at 7 p.m. at the Orono High School auditorium. Additional performances are scheduled for Nov. Saturday the 16th, at 2 p.m.; Thursday the 21st, at 7 p.m.; Friday the 22nd at 7 p.m.; and Saturday the 23rd at 7 p.m. Tickets can be purchased at this link.