The Official Student News Site of Orono High School

The Spartan Speaks

The Official Student News Site of Orono High School

The Spartan Speaks

The Official Student News Site of Orono High School

The Spartan Speaks

The Spartan Speaks is Recruiting for Next School Year and We Want YOU to Join!

The Spartan Speaks is recruiting for next school year and we want YOU to join!
The Spartan Speaks is recruiting for next school year and we want YOU to join!

The Spartan Speaks is recruiting for next year, and we want YOU to join. We are seeking writers and photographers and have editor positions open in every section. But why should you join? Find out below!

Enhance College Applications
Active participation in a school newspaper can make a big difference in college applications. Colleges seek well-rounded students who pursue interests beyond the classroom. Being part of a school newspaper like The Spartan Speaks shows dedication and a commitment to excellence, things colleges actively seek in students.

Develop Essential Skills
Students who join school newspapers like The Spartan Speaks learn and develop essential skills. Writing articles, conducting interviews, and researching topics help students enhance their writing and communication skills, skills that are crucial in life.

Make a Difference
The Spartan Speaks serves as a platform for students to address issues and write articles that matter to them. Whether reporting on important events, highlighting student achievements, or bringing attention to critical issues, members of the newspaper have a direct impact on the school’s culture and community.

Explore Journalism and Media
The Spartan Speaks is a great introduction to the world of journalism. Being part of The Spartan Speaks develops skills that will be crucial for any career in journalism and any that are interested in pursuing being a journalist should definitely join.

It’s Fun
Being part of The Spartan Speaks is a lot of fun. Whether it’s brainstorming ideas, collaborating with staff members, or seeing your work published, it’s all fun. Covering school events, from sports games to dances, adds a layer of fun as staff members get front-row access to all the action.

In conclusion, YOU should join The Spartan Speaks. Being actively involved in a school newspaper looks spectacular on a resume to colleges, builds essential skills, makes a difference in the Orono community, and is a LOT of fun. To apply please fill out the form below. The form can also be found under “About” in the main menu. Everyone is encouraged to apply and no one will be turned down.

Spartan Speaks Application Form

Please fill out this form to apply to join The Spartan Speaks. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to join. No one will be turned down.

Please write 1-2 sentences about why you want to join The Spartan Speaks
What are you interested in writing about?(Required)

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About the Contributor
Ethan Weiss
Ethan Weiss, Editor-in-Chief
Hello! My name is Ethan Weiss and I am the Editor-in-Chief of The Spartan Speaks. I am a sophomore and this is my 2nd year with the paper. I am excited to write about Orono news and student life. In my free time, I enjoy swimming, reading, and spending time with friends.

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