Seniors Give Parting Advice to Underclassmen

Read the article below to learn what advice seniors have for their younger classmates.
The feeling at Orono High School is bittersweet for seniors. Another school year is coming to a close, and many seniors are excited to move on to the next stage of their life, but they feel sad to lose their longtime home of Orono as well. While the arrival of the future is inevitable, many still express the desire to give advice to underclassmen, so that they may have a senior year that is just as splendid and eventful.
“Do whatever it takes to participate and build relationships, whether it be with students or teachers. It will make life a lot more fun and easier,” senior and student body president Charlie Kraus said.
After 8 semesters, dozens of classes and a plethora of school events, the class of 2023 has experienced a lot throughout their time in Orono High School. Furthermore, they have learned a great deal, and not only in regard to Newton’s laws of motion or the themes and symbolism in “The Poisonwood Bible,” but in how to make and care for friends as well.
“Be friends with all kinds of people. You can never have enough friends,” senior and soon-to-be graduate Ava Hoffman said.
The class of 2023 has gone through many changes throughout their time at OHS. At the end of their freshman year, they were forced online due to the start of COVID-19 and quarantine, and time after time, they persevered. By the end of their junior year, the school returned to normalcy, which left the class of 2023 one last year to do everything they had missed out on during the pandemic. What it taught them, in the end, was to always value the time and friendships they had.
“Enjoy the time you have and what you do with it. Regardless of if you think the stuff that you are doing is dumb, it will be fondly remembered, even something as simple as laughing with your friends. Live in the moment,” OHS senior Nash Tichy said.
The graduation ceremony for the Orono Class of 2023 will be on June 8th at Pesonen Stadium at 7 p.m.