OHS Seniors Announce Future Plans at Decision Day Celebration
Keep reading to learn about Orono’s 2023 decision day!
Laughter, crafts, and plates of cake fill the media center; enjoying it are the soon-to-be-graduating seniors, enjoying one last hurrah.
On Wednesday May 17th, the Orono High School Class of 2023 spent the last two periods of the day in the media center. They created pendants to display in the main hall, announcing their future paths, which ranged from college to the armed forces to immediate employment.
“This event is for all seniors to celebrate their transition to their next stage in life,” OHS guidance counselor Kathryn Haagenson said.
The seniors enjoyed cake and each other’s company as they created pendants that depicted either the college, academy, or company they were working for. Furthermore, several colleges sent merchandise to OHS and everyone was free to take some, regardless if they were attending that certain college or not.
“Decision Day is like the official seal of my future path,” OHS Senior Sam Jackson said.
Many seniors are reflecting on their future, as well as the people who have helped them reach their goals throughout high school and realize what they want to pursue.
“I’m excited for graduation [and] the next chapter in my life. I want to be a biology major. I want to say thank you to Mr. Buch and Mr. Kahler, I owe my love of science to you guys,” OHS Senior Gracie Stromberg said.
The graduation ceremony for the Orono Class of 2023 will be on June 8th at Pesonen Stadium at 7 p.m.