Varsity Quiz Bowl Bound for Nationals

Orono yearbook staff member

The Orono Quiz Bowl team.

The Orono Quiz Bowl team has qualified for state. This is the first time since 2018 that the team has qualified. Previously the team placed 2nd out of 41 teams at sections in division three for the NAQT Quiz Bowl.

Joey Mariani is a captain of the OHS Quiz Bowl team and he has been on the team since sophomore year.

“The end of last year’s season was very chaotic. We didn’t have a teacher advisor, so it was just the captains trying to organize everything. Once we got everything all figured out, we realized we were three days late to sign up for the season. So, we weren’t actually registered for the season because we forgot to sign up. So, we had to communicate with the Quiz Bowl Council for them to make an exception and accept us past the due date,” Mariani said.

The team went to three Thursday night preliminary meets and got second overall in sections. The Varsity team consists of Joey Mariani, Charlie Johnson, Maddie Dore, Georgia Green and alternate Hunter Wheaton.

“We practiced by going to Carbone’s trivia nights. Several times, we even won gift cards. We all carpool together to the meets and it’s a lot of fun,” OHS senior Charlie Johnson said.

The state competition was on February ninth at 3:30 in Burnsville. The Quiz Bowl team placed 9th at State, and they are going to nationals in Atlanta, Georgia in May over Memorial Day weekend.

“We are on the upward trajectory this year and I’m excited to see where we can go next year. I think everyone should join the Quiz Bowl team. We are losing a lot of seniors this year so it would be really nice to have a solid team for next year,” Mariani said.

If you are interested in Quiz Bowl, you can take this quiz to test your knowledge.