Orono Food Drive: WE Scare Hunger

Ella Fellman

Posters that are hung around Orono High School for the We Scare Hunger Food Drive.

Halloween is already an exciting time, and at Orono, students are giving out more than just candy. On Monday, Oct. 24, the WE Scare Hunger Food Drive began.

WE Scare Hunger is a food drive that Orono hosts every year. The food stays local but is given to families in need. The food drive runs through Tuesday, Nov. 1.

Genna Torney is the youth development coordinator at Orono schools.

“Students from all the buildings can collect non-perishable items and snacks and they will be donated to Interfaith Outreach,” Torney said.

Interfaith Outreach is a nonprofit service provider that supports families in our district. The leftover food will be given to the Spartan Closet; a place where students can receive food and other necessities.

Most food is accepted but Interfaith Outreach gave a list of foods that are most needed: individually packed bags of snacks and crackers, fruit snacks, kids cereals, dried or canned fruit, tea, soup, beans, pasta and pasta sauce, baking items and toilet paper.

Although the food drive ends soon, Orono continues to supply the Spartan Closet. There are two closets, one in the library that provides clothes and hygiene items and another one in the counselor’s office that has snacks.

“The goal of the Spartan Closet is to provide basic needs & resources to students in a low barrier way. All of the items are donated, so if students need winter gear, coats, hygiene items and clothes we have that in the library closet. The other closet just got moved to the guidance office, that’s where we have some of the snacks,” Torney said.

Orono also has a weekend food bag program where students can bring home meals for the weekend if needed. This bag has simple nutritious packed meals. Although the food drive is ending soon, there are still resources for students as well as donation opportunities at the Spartan Closet.