The Great Outlook of Orono’s Supply Drive for Ukraine

Jacob Farrell

Orono students supporting the drive for Ukrainians. With food and school supplies ready to be shipped.

There is currently an immediate demand for food in Ukraine. With the current Russian invasion, the situation in Ukraine leaves a problem for the global food supply. With Ukraine being the world’s fifth largest exporter of wheat, there will be a great demand for food throughout Europe, Asia and Africa.

Ukraine’s biggest problem is not that their farms are being destroyed, but rather that the farmers are leaving to go fight in the war, flee or struggle to stay alive. Throughout the entire country, the ports have been closing down, preventing wheat and other important products from being exported worldwide. Wheat is widely used internationally to make bread, noodles and animal feed, according to the experts at Learning English.

“Tens of thousands of people are experiencing famine and another 16 million are facing a food crisis and in danger of famine. Even before the current crisis, she said, price inflation, currency depreciation and depleted foreign reserves had left Yemen struggling to import food,” Jordan Teague of Voice of America said.

Until the Ukrainian invasion has been halted, there will remain a need for food drives. Delivering food and hygiene parcels to the people of Ukraine is the most important thing people can do to help. Yemen is a country in the middle east, currently struggling with not getting their needs from Ukraine and also Russia.

“We are hoping to do a community wide drive at some point which should get more people involved. This would be organized by the NHS [National Honors Society] as well, but with the timing of spring break, it may have to be put on hold. If the problems continue we are definitely open to another supply drive. Even if this conflict is resolved soon, the Ukrainian people will continue to need outside support and materials in order to rebuild their homes and lives that have been destroyed by this conflict,” senior Harper Randolph said.