As the ball dropped on midnight, Dec. 31, 2011, we began the new year. It is a chance for new beginnings, new friendships, new successes and new failures. We are given a fresh, clean slate to make this year more beautiful and memorable than the last.
In 2012, strive to be kind and live your life to the fullest. It is important to have faith in others and to remember that everyone has a reason to be the way that they are, and you have to respect that. The new year is a chance to mend strained relationships, to apologize, to laugh too much, to smile too big, to be ourselves and to take advantage of every opportunity life throws your way.
So let go of 2011. Let go of the mistakes that were made, the tears that were cried, the hearts that were broken and the time that was wasted, and look to the future with the hope that this year will be the year that is most memorable. This could be the year that changes everything. Live with the optimism that at any given moment your life could change for the better.
As the new year begins, remember to always keep past memories in your heart. Time is precious. Make the best of it because nobody knows what might happen next. Live for today and not for tomorrow. Remember the good and the bad, and always keep an open heart. Be kind, be caring, be strong. Life is now, so live.
Lori Hard once said, “Do not fear to step into the unknown. For where there is risk, there is also reward.” Do not fear the new year, embrace it. Conquer fears, try something you were afraid to do, and live without regrets.
2011 was a chance to learn. Learn from the highs and the lows, the strengths and the weaknesses, and let those successes and failures make 2012 a better year. Most of the seniors are looking forward to the future; to new experiences and new people, but even though the future may look so bright, it is not the present.
“Do not look back and grieve over the past, for it is gone; and do not be troubled about the future, for it has not yet come. Live in the present, and make it so beautiful that it will be worth remembering,” said Taylor Idus.
This year; love too much, say too much, laugh too hard, and give everything your all. Make the best of everything that comes your way. Be thankful for the hard and difficult times because better times will always follow. Be open to new experiences, go outside of your comfort zone and do something great. We all have the power to make 2012 a year to remember.
It is never too late to change what does not make you happy. Follow your own heart, live your own life and forge your own path. A new year is a reminder that no matter how crazy things can be, no matter how hard times can get and no matter how hopeless situations may seem, there is always a new beginning. A fresh start.
It is time that we start believing in the power of the new year, and the power within ourselves to do great things. Bring it on 2012, bring it on.
McKenna Balzer is Copy Chief for The Spartan Speaks