Homecoming Coronation

Sydney Heckmann

Senior Coronation Court at Noerenburg Memorial Park

Orono High School is celebrating its 70th Homecoming this year. Every year, OHS orchestrates a Homecoming coronation to crown a King and Queen. This is among other various traditions such as themed “dress up” days, as well as class competitions. Students and faculty are excited to celebrate Homecoming this week since the first COVID outbreak.

In the 2021-2022 school year, the Homecoming court is made up of two freshmen, two sophomores, two juniors and seventeen seniors. Pictures were taken at Noerenberg Memorial Park and the high school football stadium on Oct 4.

The coronation was put together by the student body outside on the football field. The senior co-presidents Ben Summers and Jack Kopesky, were happy to announce the prince and princesses of Orono court. After reviewing the student body votes, Summers and Kopesky announced the homecoming King Sam Swearingen and Queen Jenna Perkins.