Renovations at Orono High School
As students returned to Orono High School this fall, they came back to a number of renovations at the school that had been done over the summer. Principal Dr. Amy Steiner described the ideas behind the already-completed renovations as well as the renovations to come this year.
The media center renovations were the most significant change to OHS over the summer. The entire space has become an open floor plan for students to learn and study individually, as well as to eat lunch or work with other students on group projects..
“We wanted students to be able to use the media center space in different ways, so we’re adding more flexible learning spaces because we’re adding blended classes,” Steiner said.
Blended learning, which is classes offered in a flexible learning environment, is a new addition this year. Students in blended learning courses have the opportunity to learn in and out of the classroom. Blended courses are offered in both the language arts and business departments.
“It is a great space to study individually and as a room to eat at lunch, since the lunchroom was always really crowded,” junior Lauren Labelle said.
The Orono school district has begun adding three new classrooms in the lower level of the school, in order to expand learning spaces and create a less-crowded feeling. These changes are currently in progress.
“They should be done within a couple of weeks,” Steiner said.
The student body has expressed positive comments regarding the new additions in the school and find that the new media center’s flexible space is achieving the intended goals.
“I’m really excited for the classrooms that are being added into the basement because it was always very crowded in the basement. I think it will add more space and feel more welcoming,” Labelle said.
Later this year, more bathrooms will be added to the lower level. Students and staff both are eager to see all the completed renovations that will create a more welcoming environment for all.