LGBTQ+ Aspiring Parents Struggle with Adoption System
American parents go and pick up their daughter in Medellin, Colombia.
It is becoming more common to see LGBTQ+ partners wanting to start families and for some, the best, preferred, or only way to do so is to adopt, and with this day and age, it is becoming more acceptable and encouraged.
Although there are adoption agencies that have more acceptance towards same-sex couples, some still have dated views and opinions and will deny services. These dated views come from employees or agency owners who bring their personal opinions to the workplace and let them interfere with getting their job done and done right.
In 2019, the US Department of Health and Human Services approved a new rule stating that adoption agencies and foster care agencies could turn away individuals because of their sexual orientation and gender identity.
Aspiring LGBTQ+ parents should not be turned away from adoption agencies because of personal views and opinions. Homophobia, biphobia, transphobia, or any kind of discrimination on the basis of sexual preference or identity should not get in between the process of starting a family.
According to N.Y.U. Review of Law and Social Change, most states allow adoption with gay individuals and singles, but as strange as it is, they won’t allow it with unmarried gay couples.
Given the discrimination that LGBTQ+ people face, some may believe that non-heterosexual couples are unfit to be parents and raise children. But also the opposite could be said, LGBTQ parents could bring a more open mindset and greater understanding to their children.
According to Movement Advancement Project (MAP), 53 percent of the LGBTQ population lives in states that contain regulations, laws, or policies that prohibit discrimination in the foster care system based on sexual orientation and or sexual identity.
MAP also states that 39 percent of the LGBTQ population lives in states that have no protections against discrimination that could be faced in the foster care system.
Why would LGBTQ parents want to face these difficulties? The emotional toll that is going unseen every day needs to be brought to the light. All people who are wanting to start a family should be given the same opportunities as the person next to them. The average heterosexual couple does not face the same challenges that LGBTQ partners do. Continuous harassment based on who they are as humans.
As someone who was adopted at a very young age and continues to live through the adoption process, it is difficult as it is; extra stress and pressure are absolutely not necessary by any means. More and more people within the past few years have been starting families and there is no time like the present to inform others on what is going on behind the LBGTQ+ adoption process.