Winterfest Week Taking Place During Hybrid Learning
From February 22-26, Orono High School students celebrated the 2021 Winterfest Week. Compared to past years, Winterfest looked a little different. While starting with distance learning, then transitioning to hybrid learning, both A and B day students were able to celebrate in person. There was still the classic class competition and dress-up days but being in hybrid learning these things weren’t like they have been previously.
This is how the week broke down: Monday was Hawaiian/beachwear, Tuesday was pajama day which was also the day that the new Winterfest Medallion Hunt started, Wednesday and Thursday were class color days to help represent each class for the class competition and finally and Friday was the new “anything but a backpack day”. On Friday we saw a shopping cart, a sled, some laundry baskets, and many more to carry their folders and notebooks throughout the day.
Some class competition activities this year included the fan-favorite but socially distanced and covid friendly version of the lettuce eating competition, tug of war, musical chairs, the dating game, and the best friend game. Some of the activities that were not included in this year’s fest were the variety show, the Sadies Hawkings dance, and the powderbuff volleyball game.
“What I miss most from last year were the dance and the powderbuff volleyball game we were able to do, those two events were really fun and I definitely missed those this year,” senior Lily Maas said.
The new year brings new activities and this year’s new activity was the Medallion Hunt sponsored by the Spartan Parents Association. There were 3 medallions that have been spread out and hidden since February 22. Just last week, the final medallion was found and now the hunt is over. To inform all OHS students that a medallion was hidden and to go search for it, clues with riddles were posted to the Orono Student Body Instagram and after-school students were on the move. The medallions were found in the tennis bleachers, around the rock, and the shed.
“I think my favorite year for Winterfest week was my junior year, the juniors beat the seniors in the class competition and we had Sadies which we couldn’t have this year,” senior Lauren Stevenson said.
This year has come with many and drastic changes to how we learn and how we carry on our school traditions. Lots of reconfiguring have been done to let the students have these activities such as Winterfest Week. Time and effort have gone into making these things available to us and while they don’t feel the same as they have been, it is still important to take advantage of the opportunities students do get. If you are interested in seeing more pictures from Winterfest Week, go follow the Orono Student Body Instagram page @oronostudentbody.