Football and Volleyball season moved to fall
Players give each other congratulatory high fives after beating St. Anthony Village.
October 9, 2020
The Minnesota State High School League has overturned their original decision to move Football and Volleyball to the Spring season. On August 4th, the board of directors met to discuss when high school sports seasons would take place, considering the current climate of our state during the COVID-19 pandemic. All sports would have limitations placed on them to prevent the spread of the pandemic while also giving student athletes the opportunity to still play their sport.
Girls and boys tennis, girls and boys soccer, cross country, and girls swim and dive would all take place on their regularly scheduled dates throughout the fall season. Volleyball and football, on the other hand, would take place during the spring season, with 12 allowed practices till then. Football and volleyball teams throughout the state were completely put on hold till September 21st, when the MSHSL decided to revisit their decision and hold another vote to reconsider moving the seasons back to fall.
The board created a plan to move up the season while still following state COVID-19 guidelines. Volleyball was to start practices for the 11-week season on September 28th with the first matches starting on October 5th. Football will also begin with practices on September 28th for their season.
“Our season only has 6 games this year opposed to our usual 10,” Football Captain Dave Wilfert said.
For the seasons to be moved up, there are many protocols the teams need to follow to keep the teams safe.
“For volleyball we are really strict about wearing masks and social distancing. We aren’t allowed to do the typical huddles and locker room meetings which kind of blows but we’re all just really glad to have a season!” volleyball captain Lauren Mitchellette said.
For Football games, there is a 250 person limit of spectators for games. Since volleyball is an indoor sport, there are no spectators allowed, but every game is live streamed for friends and family to watch at home.