Pros and Cons of Online Schooling

Sam Capece

Students are on their laptops full time for online school.

Sam Capece, News Editor

Amidst the Coronavirus pandemic, all students nationwide are taking part in social distancing through online school. This demonstrates how far the US has come with technology and education, students are meeting up with their classes on video chat services, completing projects and assignments on online platforms, and are given the opportunity to continue their educational careers despite the tragic events that are transpiring.

“Online school is alright, although it isn’t the same as in-person school because it focuses only on the work and misses all the other parts that are so important like social interaction, sports and collaboration,” senior Brendan Kanwischer said.

Online school has become very popular in the past decade, according to Walden University, almost one third of college students have now enrolled in at least one online class and many are learning exclusively online. Online school gives students flexible opportunities to balance their lives, learn at their own pace, and advance their careers. With everyone at home, students are being given the opportunity to try online schooling.

“Online school is an opportunity to take control of our own education. It is good preparation for college as your success is based on your own effort and work ethic. Although in combination with social distancing it can take a toll on teenagers,” senior Devin Hunt said.

Many have already started to experience the negative effects of being a full-time online student. According to campus explorer, a college search source, online school makes it harder to talk to teachers, manage your time, and interact with other people. These things are necessary for many students. As the quarantine continues, some students may find that online school works well for them, many colleges are now offering full time online programs which award the same degrees.

“Online school is much easier, but the problem is that our sense of responsibility as students is suffering. Before if you didn’t do your work you’d be held accountable in school, but now you face the wrath of a couple emails. There is much more of a temptation to not do anything even though there is less to do,” senior Lucas Cates said.