Going Out During COVID-19: Healthy movement towards normality

Nolan Tichy

Staying active during the COVID-19 pandemic is easier as the weather warms.

Nolan Tichy, Copy Editor

It has been more than a few weeks since many states in the US went into total lockdown, forcing people to stay inside their home with only those who are in immediate relation to them. As the country is inching closer to the summer months, people are feeling the need to move their lives to the outdoors but are still unsure if that is in their best interests.

Despite the threat of being exposed to this radical virus, there are many benefits of getting outside and getting active. With a mixture of the highly beneficial vitamin D and exercise, you are in fact going to have a better chance of staying healthy and fighting off illness, according to the Harvard Medical School.

“As a junior in high school, the end of the school year and early summer months are such a fantastic time to be outside and active which is why even with the lockdown I am making sure to get out and run or workout as much as I can while following the governor’s precautions,” junior Mary Peterson said.

As the country continues to move forward in this pandemic, there are still numerous able-bodied people who want to stay locked up inside. Staying inside without exercising can have several negative consequences. Especially with everything that is going on, mental health, negative moods, and low self-esteem are deemed important for a disease outbreak such as Covid-19 according to Monica Chua, author for Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology,

“For the first week or so of the stay at home order, I found myself not exercising very much,” senior Aaron Brekken said, “and in the past few weeks I’ve made sure to go out and run or workout and I am already noticing that I am feeling happier and healthier.”

Tim Walz, the Minnesota governor, made sure that in his stay at home order, placed in the state on March 27, there was a note that explained the importance of engaging in outdoor activities. According to a report on the announcement, written by Kermit J. Nash Samuel W. Diehl, authors for the Saul Ewing Arnstein & Lehr law firm, it is explicitly stated that taking part in outdoor activity is encouraged, but the six-feet between each person rule must be met.

What citizens need to understand is that being outside is something that is necessary for a time like this. With safe precautions and knowledge of what is allowed and what isn’t, the country should be able to move forward with its progression towards returning to a normal lifestyle.