Homecoming Pep-Fest and Parade

Lindsay Allar

The high school student section celebrates the Pep-Fest and Parade on Friday.

Gracie Hornbaker
Features Editor

The annual Orono Senior High Homecoming pep fest and parade took place on Friday afternoon, which rounded out the school week homecoming festivities. Fall sports, clubs and school groups travel along Old Crystal Bay Road, where fellow students, staff and members of the community cheer them on. After the parade, grades 6th-12th gather at Pesonen Stadium for a variety of performances.

Teams gathered in the school parking lot to decorate a their floats with everything that represented their teams and OHS. The area was filled with music and laughter as teams ran around talking to other teams and taking pictures. Once the groups took off down the road, bystanders smiled and waved at the groups as they passed by.

“The parade is my favorite part of homecoming week. I’m dressed up as a gorilla for the Jingle bell Juniors, so I’m having a pretty good time,” junior Jake Larson said.

When the parade came to an end, students filed into the football stadium for the Pep-fest. The Pep-fest was presented by Mr. Lundquist who introduced team captains, announced dances and lead a soccer competition. The annual homecoming court and dance team with football team dances were a crowd favorite as always. Orono Varsity Cheer team lead the crowd in some of their most R.O.W.D.Y cheers right before the event came to an end.