College is not the only option
By Mark Sarles
Sports Editor
One of the big decisions for seniors at Orono High School is post high school plans. Most Orono students go on to a post-secondary education or college. Many people assume college is the only option. Many parents assume the only option for their kids is college. But some students take a different path.
Around 1 percent of high school seniors in the United States have plans to enlist in the military after high school. At Orono, only a few seniors from each graduating class decide to take a braver path to defend this country.
“I am choosing to serve because I want to be a part of something bigger than myself. I want to grow the content of my character, and serve the best country on the planet,” senior Josh Greenagle said.
Greenagel works out everyday to get ready for the Marines Recruit Training. The training starts after graduation and lasts 13 weeks. The recruit training pushes the future Marines to the limit in order to test who is physically capable of becoming a marine.
Another path students take is a gap year. During a gap year, a student takes the year off from schooling to work, study abroad, volunteer, get generals done at a community college, or take a break from schooling to figure out what they want to do.
Nick Simafranca has chosen to take a gap year after high school. He plans on going abroad to study in Brazil for the whole year. He will be staying with a host family, and going to high school at a Brazilian school. His sister did the same thing he plans to do, which influenced his choice.
“My sister did a gap year and told me it was the best year of her life,” senior Nick Simafranca said.
During his free time at school, and in study hall for the past couple months, Simafranca has been practicing and learning Portuguese so he has a footing to communicate and expand on when he goes to Brazil. As for his plans after the gap year, Simafranca hopes to attend a four-year university.
Some students take a gap year to work. Students who chose to work during a gap year have the ability to work full-time without school getting in the way. According to Campus Explorer, students sometimes take a gap year to take classes at a local community college to get through basic requirements and figure out a major, before going to a university.
“I’m hoping to work full time next year to make money and take some time to figure out my future plans like college or other career options after high school” a senior at Orono High School said.