Amy Klobuchar Announces Presidential Campaign

Minnesota Senator Amy Klobuchar announced on February 9 that she is intending to run for Democratic nominee in the 2020 presidential election. The announcement came in Minneapolis on the banks of the Mississippi River, amidst a typical Minnesota snowstorm. This setting granted her the nickname of ‘snowman’ from President Trump.

Klobuchar is a Minnesota native who was born and raised in Plymouth, graduating as valedictorian from Wayzata High School. She went on to graduate from Yale University and get her graduate degree from the University of Chicago Law School.

She was first elected to be a Minnesota senator in 2006 and was then reelected in 2012 and 2018. She was the first female senator from Minnesota. Currently, she represents her state as one of two female senators, out of only six total states with women as both their senators.

Minnesota, Listen Up

Minnesota is a traditionally liberal state, with the total of our electoral college votes (currently 13) going towards the Democratic nominee in the past 11 elections. It is one of the most consistent states when it comes to governmental representation, with a high number of Democrats acting as our national representation.

“It would be a good thing [having a president who represents a flyover state] because it would bring a new perspective to the table that hasn’t been harnessed before,” said senior Gabriella Bann, who will be voting for the first time in the 2020 election. There has never been a president from the state of Minnesota, although there have been two vice presidents.

Donald Trump was born and raised in Queens, New York, which is about as different from a rural farm in Minnesota as one can get. For some Minnesotans, this relatability aspect might play a role in their support for Klobuchar. This drastic difference in background and upbringing may help or hurt Klobuchar in her campaign. She may give a voice to the lesser represented midwest, which some may view as a positive thing, or some may believe that someone with a background from a bigger metropolis may be the better spokesperson for the country.

“It makes me feel proud, especially since she is from Wayzata. It doesn’t necessarily mean I agree with her policies, but it is still cool to me to have more representation,” said senior Lauren Proulx.

Expressing her value in agricultural importance of the economy, as well as wanting to promote the laborers from more rural regions, Klobuchar actively supports and encourages many of the economic activities that drive Minnesota, making her appealing to many Minnesotans from around the state, even if not all of their political views align.

Amy for America

Klobuchar has run on a consistent platform for the 13 years she has been involved in politics. The senator stands on the idea that anyone from any cultural or social background can work to earns their hopes and dreams. She extends this value when she promotes the importance of agriculture in the economy.

“I was excited because I share a lot of values with her and it’s exciting someone from our state is running because that doesn’t happen often,” said Bann.

Klobuchar uses tactics to reach younger audiences, by staying active on her twitter account and interacting with younger generations. She posts links to stories, encouraging tweets, announcements, and even uses her platform to show her support for local sports teams like the University of Minnesota women’s hockey team. This relatability aspect may be the key to her support throughout her upcoming campaign.

Laurie Shaull
Klobuchar stands on the banks of the Mississippi announcing her campaign for the 2020 presidential election.