Kicking Finals Week Out Of The Park
Kicking finals week out of the park
Ellie Fasbender
Editor in Chief
The week of Jan. 21-25 is a big one for the students of Orono High School. It’s finals week. This week is crazy, filled with quizlet studying, review packets, study guides, pens, highlighters, and post its everywhere. What can add to the stress is students uncertainness about how the finals schedule works. Below is the schedule for first semester finals.
2018-2019 finals schedule:
Tuesday Jan. 22:
First bell: 7:50
Breakfast from 7:50-8:00 (there will be a warning bell at 7:55 reminding students they have five minutes left)
Testing period 1: 8:00-10:00
Snack break: 10:00-10:15
Spartan Hour: 10:15-11:00
Next will be lunch, follow your regular fifth period routine unless told otherwise. Your fifth period will be divided throughout each day of finals week.
Testing period 2: 12:30-2:30
Wednesday Jan. 23:
First bell: 7:50
Breakfast from 7:50-8:00 (there will be a warning bell at 7:55 reminding students they have five minutes left)
Testing period 3: 8:00-10:00
Snack break: 10:00-10:15
Spartan Hour: 10:15-11:00
Next will be lunch, follow your regular fifth period routine unless told otherwise. Your fifth period will be divided throughout each day of finals week.
Testing period 4: 12:30-2:30
Thursday Jan. 24:
First bell: 7:50
Breakfast from 7:50-8:00 (there will be a warning bell at 7:55 reminding students they have five minutes left)
Testing period 6: 8:00-10:00
Snack break: 10:00-10:15
Spartan Hour: 10:15-11:00
Next will be lunch, follow your regular fifth period routine unless told otherwise. Your fifth period will be divided throughout each day of finals week.
Testing period 7: 12:30-2:30
YOU’RE DONE!!! Good luck to everyone throughout finals week, only three days, you can do it!