The sweetest day at OHS: pastry day

Students and teachers lined up for the first ever waffle bar during snack break on Monday December 10 to celebrate national pastry day which took place the day before, Sunday December 9th.

The annual day is a time for people to enjoy sweet treats including pies, donuts, waffles, cakes and tarts.

The salad bar during snack break turned into a waffle bar. There, students could pick up a basket with one waffle pastry in it. As they walked down the line they could pick up a container of fruits, either mixed berry or orange. Lastly, they could complement their waffle and fruit with some whipped cream on the top.

“By jump starting one’s nutrition for the day, studies show that students have better academic performance. We decided to do a waffle breakfast on Monday to celebrate National Pastry Day and boost breakfast participation. With the success from Monday’s breakfast we are open to doing more breakfasts like this in the future. Student input is always encouraged to plan these events and help make them a success,” coordinator of child nutrition, Jackie Brown said.

Students were seen around the cafeteria eating these pastries instead of the normal snack shoppe snacks.

“I thought overall it was really good. The waffles tasted better than I thought and it was something fun to look forward to. They should make this an annual event,” senior Emily Heurung said.