The DEAL with Gymshark

Gymshark, a high quality fitness apparel brand was founded in 2012 by Ben Francis and has been a booming sensation ever since. The clothing hub is an online only retailer based in the United Kingdom. Currently, the brand has over 7 million highly engaged social media followers and customers in 131 countries.

The company looks to inspire groups of like minded individuals to focus on three core values: family, progression, and vision. Each one of these three values act as a necessity in the making of a global based company like Gymshark to run effectively.

People continue to buy Gymshark not only because of their high quality products, but also their incredible prices. Women’s leggings are $40 in comparison to the $89 leggings in Lululemon and Athleta stores. You can buy a similar product for a fraction of the price. While Lululemon targets those who do yoga and for athleisure use, while Gymshark is aimed toward gym workouts.

“The quality of the leggings are awesome for such an inexpensive price. I waited weeks for the Blackout sale to happen, so having Spartan Hour to shop was nice,” senior Izzy Scharf said.

Gymshark has an advantage to larger clothing brands like Lululemon and Athleta to do the large impact they have in the weightlifting world. Having incredibly successful and famous sponsored athletes is just one advantage. Athletes from all over the world like Steve Cook (2.1 million Instagram followers) David Laid (1.1 million) Whitney Simmons (two million) and Krissy Cela (1.1 million) Gymshark has taken the world by storm.

Due to the fact Gymshark only sells their products through their website, they occasionally participate in pop up sales across the country that last 2-3 days. Sponsored athletes come to the event for the public to take pictures, get autographs, and most importantly to shop. The last pop up sale was in Toronto, Canada in September, and it’s still a mystery where the next one will take place.

Most recently Gymshark is currently having their biggest sale yet with products up to 70% off. High quality women’s flex leggings for $12, men’s joggers for $15, everything on the website is 20-70% off! Don’t miss out on these awesome deals at