Surviving Survivor Week
On Feb. 7, Orono High School kicked off its annual survivor week activities. Thomas Lecy and Jack Randolph have been working hard to lead this event and make sure thats its available for the whole school to participate in.
After taking a break from the activities last year, the students were very excited to find out that Survivor Week would continue in 2018. Throughout the day students are able to watch the survivors complete their challenges on Snapchat.
The freshman participants include Sam Randolph, Liliana Avery, and Anne Guidera. Representing the sophomore class is Ellie Melander, Nick Byrnes, Grace Larson and Jack Patterson. From the junior class Emmett Halloran, Natalie Brockman, Julia Rosendahl and Ben Quinlivan. And finally, representing the senior class is Jackson Burgess, Ryan Paul, Mara Holm, Devon Johnson and Colin Sim.
During the week these students will participate in group competitions and individual competitions. If the students are chosen to move on they will sleep overnight in the school and continue their challenges the next day.
Each day the survivors who moved on from the day before will choose their fate for the day by drawing cards. The cards may have something as nice as receiving chocolate or something as terrible as crawling on your knees all day or not talking for the entire day.