Journalism and Yearbook Students Awarded at State Convention


Orono Journalism and yearbook students at the MHSPA convention. 10/10/17

Journalism and yearbook students visited the University of Minnesota on Oct. 10 for the Minnesota High School Press Association’s state convention. The MHSPA goal is to guide and inspire students to become better journalists. Students were able to attend break-out sessions led by journalists, professors, and school newspaper advisors. At the end, students and schools took home awards and learned new knowledge that could help them with new journalistic skills.

Linda Puntney, an emeritus professor of journalism at Kansas State University, was the keynote speaker at the convention. Puntney has received many awards such as the Teacher Inspiration Award, Lifetime Achievement Award, JEA Medal of Merit, the NSPA Pioneer award and the Carl Towley Award.  Linda Puntney shared why and how student journalism matters and how truth matters as a journalist.

Orono journalism students took home four Gold Medallion Awards for individual work. Junior Cari Spencer and junior Vivian Rohrer took home sixth place awards for their stories in opinions and sports, respectively, and The Spartan Speaks front page layout took home tenth place. Senior Nikki Praus sports picture won first place and was shown to the entire crowd.  The Spartan Speaks publication website ( was awarded fifth place for Best in Show.

Orono Yearbook took home an All-StateGold Award. Madison Michel, Maggie Brick, and Callum Yokey took first place in two gold group Medallion Awards. Also, Yearbook took second place for Best in Show.

It was rewarding for the students to see their work recognized and highlighted by the Minnesota High School Press Association.