Graduation: More than Meets the Eye
Each year at this time, the seniors start to itch with a desire to graduate. As graduation approaches and the end of the year draws closer, preparation for the ceremony starts to begin. To make the graduation ceremony happen, there is a committee made up of teachers to organize.
Most students are not aware of all the planning that goes on to make the ceremony happen. The OHS staff spends months planning for this event.
Orono graduation has specific traditions that have been kept in place for years. Some of which include Principal Dave Benson leading the ceremony and a panel of teachers selected by the students to hand out diplomas.
After the ceremony, the students all are brought to a location for a senior party where they are required to remain the entire night. The senior party has been successful in the past and students are anticipating to learn where it will be held this year.
“I have gone to graduation the past two years. First seeing all the students sitting down in their chairs at the beginning of the ceremony with their gowns and caps on is my favorite part of graduation; it’s fun to see everyone graduating, excited and all dressed up,” senior Sami Maddock said.
At graduation, there are a select few of students that audition to speak in front of the entire community. Tryouts for the speech are being held week of May 15. Students appear to be excited about sharing their speeches to the judges.
“I am not very nervous about presenting my speech. I think all the teachers just want to see us to do our best and are looking for merits in our speeches, not flaws,” said senior Ella Gagne.
The seniors that are in the process of trying out were required to write their speech in advance and say it in front of a panel of senior leaders and English teacher Jessica Frie.
Based on questions that were asked to the seniors, most seem to have thoroughly enjoyed their time here. OHS has provided students with a positive experience. The faculty and administration makes sure that all students are prepared for their future no matter what it entails.
“I am completely satisfied with my past four years at Orono. If I had my way, I would attempt to get a better GPA and be a little bit more social. Overall, my experience has been awesome because I have been able to become friends with a variety of students and people,” senior Aaron Patterson said.
The seniors feel it is important to leave behind a good impression on those that have influenced them during their four years. This includes both teachers and peers.
“I want to enjoy the rest of my time at OHS with my friends and favorite teachers, wrapping up the year. I hope to leave a positive impact behind to the rest of OHS,” senior Mattie Rice said.