Recap of the First 100 Days in Office

One hundred days into Trump’s America and big changes have been brought to the White House through executive orders and legislation passed through a Republican-controlled legislature. This new administration has seen a drastic change in the way Trump passes executive orders in such frequency.
Misty Zapf, an owner of two small food businesses in Orono, didn’t vote for Trump but said she hopes his business experience can make a positive change in the country’s economy. Misty didn’t vote for Trump because of his rhetoric towards other groups of people and his viciousness towards opposing candidates.
One criticism of Trump and his supporting members in the Republican party is that they do not understand or read the legislations they are trying to pass.
In the first week he revitalized the Keystone pipeline and Dakota access pipeline, projects and started the process of repealing the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare). According to Ana Kasparian a host on the independent news organization.
On Jan. 27 Trump suspended refugee programs and entry of nationals from seven countries. On Feb. 4 there was a restraining order issued by high courts on the entry bans instituted by Trump. On the twenty-eighth day of his administration he issued another executive order, it was the revised version of the travel ban. According to CNN politics writer Laura Jarett.
Senior Crosbie Francis said she thinks Trump should be going about national security in a different way.
“I don’t support the travel ban in the seven countries in the middle east because it would be cutting off all the refugees stuck in these countries who are seeking asylum. I would increase vetting and make the process harder to get in for a while but banning a certain group of people from America seems unconstitutional,” Francis said.
After 25 days in office according to the Washington Post, one resignation was given to President Trump. National Security Adviser Michael Flynn resigned for misleading Vice President Pence about foreign affairs having to do with Russia.
“Russia talk is FAKE NEWS put out by the Dems, and played up by the media, in order to mask the big election defeat and the illegal leaks!” Trump tweeted from his private twitter account on Feb. 26.
“I think it is completely blatant that he is trying to distract people to not look further in the Russian corruption. If he is not hiding anything why wouldn’t he let the investigations proceed?” sophomore Will Walz asked about the president’s tweet.
During his first 100 days Trump has not shied away from conflict. His first international conflict intervention decision came, he gave the order to fire 59 Tomahawk cruise missiles. They were fired early April during the evening. Its target was the air base from which Syrian President Bashar Assad launched a chemical weapons attack killing more than 80 men, women and children. According to the New York Times editor Dean Baquet
The next significant conflict was when Trump and his top generals found evidence of an ISIL base where they dropped the M.O.A.B. which is over thousand pounds. Its weight is 22,600 lb. Out of that 18,700 pounds are high explosives. Blast radius is 150 yards but the massive shockwave created by the air burst is said to be able to destroy an area as large as a half mile in every direction.
“So much violence seems necessary in this crazy world we live in how ever I hope he makes the right decisions about protecting the lives of innocent civilians,” senior Bryce Ryan said.
Trumps future plans are more involved in foreign relations with countries all over the world. He just meet Russia’s ambassador, Sergey Kislyak, their talks included aviations security and protecting the United States and Russia from ISIL threats.