The Tale as Old as Time
It has been a long time coming for Disney’s 2017 version of Beauty and the Beast to come out, but little of the movie has been changed. Beauty and the Beast was created in 1991 and today, is listed as the third best Disney princess movie created.
In the new version, directed by Bill Condon, every time a peddle from the enchanted rose drops, parts of the castle falls apart and the staff turn more into inanimate objects. The beast, too, becomes more beastly by every drop.
This movie has also shined a light on the gay community for Lumiere, the candlestick, is gay with LeFou, Gaston’s trusty side kick, in the end.
In the 1991 version of Beauty and the Beast, the director never gave any information on Belle’s mother or how she died. In the new movie, the beast takes belle to her old home where she grew up, Paris. Here they found a mask and discovered that her mother was infected by the black plague after giving birth to Belle.
This is just a small amount of changes to to the movie. There are still many more to be discovered, therefore, I highly suggest you discover them yourself in theaters this weekend. There will be something there that wasn’t there before.