New Year’s Resolutions

Maddy Schliinz

The gyms will start becoming more crowded as people make their New Year’s Resolutions.

New Year’s resolutions are an annual tradition that people all over the world partake in, with the hopes of changing their lives in the new upcoming year. Ringing in the new year, people want to create a change in their life.

In 2015, the top three new year’s resolutions were losing weight, staying more organized and to spend less and save more, according to Statistics Brain. These three objectives seem to have a common trend of reappearing at the beginning of every new year. Losing weight is one of the top resolutions that adults have, but is typically short lived.

After the first of the year, gyms fill up with people trying to lose weight and become healthier. Towards Febuary, attendance dies down the gyms become more spacious again.

“I want to lose 30 pounds and to get healthier. If it works I will be happy, but I typically stick to my resolutions for about two months,” science teacher Tim Haislet said.

Seniors at OHS are in their final stretch for first semester. They are in the process of applying for schools, waiting to hear back from schools, or making a decision on the school that they want to go to. This can be a stressful time for many. Another common new year’s resolution is to relax and to to be less stressed.

“My new year’s resolution is to stop worrying and also do a lot more yoga.  I think I will be happier if I worry less the rest of my senior year,” senior Jeni Ronald said.

Junior year is also a big year for students. They are busy taking the ACT and/or SAT, in the hopes of building up their college resume in preparation for their senior year.

“I want to relax. I plan to focus on the smaller joys in life instead of waiting for large ones,” junior Antonia Petschen said.

Others want to become happier with themselves and to lead a happier life. Beginning a new year is the best chance for people to have a fresh start and change something in their lives for the better.

“My new year’s resolution is to be happier and more positive. I am not going to overthink situations and I am going to cut out the toxic people in my life. I need to continue to do the things I love and just be myself,” senior Alexa Eichstadt said.

Distractions are everywhere and can take away from everyday life. Electronics have begun to take over people’s lives and take up so much time that people could be enjoying other things in life.  Instead of watching Netflix and Snapchatting friends, people could be hanging out with their friends and enjoying one another’s company

“I want to not be on my phone as much.  I am not aware of what’s going on around me and that’s a problem,” freshman Jackson Stuemke said.

New year’s resolutions are made to make people happier and lead a better life than they did the previous year and make a difference in their lives. They are not always easy to follow through on, but they will make you feel better in the end and hopefully put a different perspective on life.