The Things a Smile Can Do

Hannah Rippberger

Sending a smile to other students in the hall can brighten their day.

In today’s society there is a lot of negativity flying around.  It was once said, you don’t know someone’s story until you walk a mile in their shoes. That is nothing but the truth. Do not judge the people in the hallway. The girl you see walking alone, she might help pay the bills at home. Or that guy you see everyday after fifth hour might be bullied.

We know that there are negative events going on but what can we do help spread positivity? A simple smile can improve one’s day. According to Brian Luke Seaward author of “Managing Stress,” there is a release of endorphins that is activated when smiling. These endorphins are also natural pain relievers.  

“…[its nice] when in the halls and the upperclassmen say hi,” junior Gabby Germanson said.

Smiling and saying hi to people are not the only ways to spread positivity. Complimenting someone who has a nice shirt on, holding the door open for people in the morning, helping a lost freshman get to class, and listening with care and interest as someone talks are all just some of many great ways to be nice.

I heard a fun story I would like to share with you guys to spread laughter and hopefully put a smile on your face.

“I saw Thomas Hickey in the parking lot on my way to school today and I asked if he wanted a egg that I had in my pocket and he said yeah… I later saw him in third hour and he still had the egg and he drew a face on him and named him Alfonzo. I fully expected him to throw it away so it was a fun surprise to see my son Alfonzo grow into a big strong egg in the tender care of Thomas Hickey. Thomas later joined me in mourning after Kevin Cornelius knocked him off his pedestal. RIP Alfonzo 7:21 a.m – 1: 23 p.m,”  junior William Stephenson said.

Happiness is a choice and what your actions do can change someone else’s world around you. Be that happy change for someone. Enjoy the little things.