Approaching a Bully
Bullying has become an unfortunate social norm that many teens have come to accept as their own reality. Now is the time when people need to become more aware of how to spot a bully and how to combat one. While many may think Orono does not deal with many bullies, we are not immune to this issue.
According to Ditch The Label, a non profit organization anti-bullying charity, one in two people experience bullying. There are a lot of people who deal with bullying everyday so never think you are alone. reports that nearly 160,000 teens skip school everyday because of bullying. Bullying has become a prevalent issue in our society and people need to know how to stop it.
Here are some key tips that teens can use to combat bullies. Ditch The Label has ten tips to help. The first and most common tip is to know that bullying is learnt. Most bullies have issues themselves, so know that you are not the problem.
“I think people bully because they are either ashamed of a trait they share with the person they’re bullying or because they’re lashing out at others due to other problems and are putting others down,” senior Melanie Iversen said.
Another key tip is that bullying can be a crime. If someone uses prejudice language towards you, such as racism or homophobic behavior, it is a crime and should not go unreported to the authorities. Tell a teacher or report it to the police if the comments were prejudice.
Besides valuing yourself and caring for your well being, there are some effective tactics to use when being bullied. According to Psychology Today, a highly effective defense method is avoidance. You have to know when to walk away from a negative situation that could endanger your health.
“Bullying makes the victim feel depressed, lonely, and feel like they are unwanted — none of which should be a reality for anyone”senior Tyler Rahkola said.
Another effective tip is using humor to tell a bully to go away. For girls, something more effective is to assertively tell the bully to stop and then walk away.
Finally, says to be relentless and never stop reporting bullying. You should not have to keep putting up with bullying. Even if you think reporting doesn’t help, eventually, the persistence will pay off.
“Talk to somebody whether it’s a friend, a teacher, an administrator, or a parent. Don’t just stay quiet, that won’t do anything,” Iversen said.
Bullying is an issue that is prevalent in today’s society. If you or someone you know is being bullied, it is helpful to inform yourself about the most effective ways to combat it. But it is important to stand up for yourself and take care of your well being.