Mary Poppins Comes to Orono for the Fall Musical

Cami Reese

Upcoming Mary Poppins Performances at OHS.

Mary Poppins has come to Orono as the fall musical this year.  The cast and crew have been rehearsing since the beginning of the school year, and they are ready to show Orono the fantastic show.  They are putting their own spin on the classic Disney and Broadway musical “Mary Poppins”.

On Nov. 10, the cast and crew performed the teasers of the play during the school day for the high school, as well as the intermediate and elementary school.  Later that night they had their opening performance in the high school auditorium.  They also performed on Friday Nov. 11 and Saturday Nov 12.

They have performances this Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday in the OHS auditorium.  You can purchase tickets either at the door or online.  Ticket prices are five dollars for students and seven dollars for adults.  Be sure to watch the talented Orono cast perform their rendition of the classic “Mary Poppins”.