Places students do homework

Homework seems to consume every high schooler’s nights. Students continuously struggle with the choice of homework versus sleep. A lot of students choose to do homework in their beds. Whether or not it is effective to study in bed is up for debate.

The American Colleges of Healthcare Sciences urges students not to do homework in their beds. Humans have trained their bodies to shut down for the night in their beds, so humans will start to doze off or will stay up thinking at night when trying to fall asleep.

I do my homework in my bed sometimes, but I do it more at my desk because it’s a good workplace and gives me a nice platform to put my papers on

— Zuri Dunham

“When I get home [my bed]  is just an easy place to do my homework, and it’s comfortable,” senior Zane Raiche said, “It might make me more tired, but I am always tired after school… I have definitely fallen asleep before.”

On the other hand, it is not the issue of the child laying on their bed that is the problem, but it is actually other distractions the student has around them such as a phone or TV, according to Erika Patalla an assistant professor of psychology at the University of Texas.

“I do my homework in bed because it’s the quietest place in my house… if I do my homework anywhere else I am distracted by everything,” senior Eric Ittel said.

However, is it just a myth that studying in bed makes your grades worse?

Robert Gifford, a senior at the University of California at Davis, conducted a study on this issue in 1968. He found that of the 86  students tested with GPAs of 3.0 or higher, 53 percent worked at their desks, and the others worked on their beds. The 18 students with GPAs of 2.0 or under, two-thirds did their homework at their desks.

“I do my homework in my bed sometimes, but I do it more at my desk because it’s a good workplace and gives me a nice platform to put my papers on,” freshman Zuri Dunham said.

Dr. Jennifer Trachtenberg explains that each person has his or her own workstyle and should do homework wherever is best for them in her book Good Kids, Bad Habits: The RealAge Guide to Raising Healthy Children

“I used to do [homework] at my kitchen table, but now I do it on my bed because I focus better where it is quiet” senior Shauna Maloney said.

Odyssey Online has a list of idea places for students to do homework. The park, kitchen table, coffee shop, a friends house, or the student’s bedroom are all great places for homework.